
In celebration of World Environment Day, TCP announces that in 2021 alone its clients stopped emitting almost 62 thousand tons of CO2 by using multimodal transport, and that it intends to increase this number by purchasing 100% clean energy

Celebrated on June 5, the World Environment Day seeks to summon the entire population to a collective action to celebrate, protect and restore the planet’s ecosystem. Having sustainability as one of its values, TCP – the company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal – has been working to offer less polluting alternatives to its customers and to make its operation environmentally sustainable. Among the initiatives undertaken in the last year with this objective is the multimodal rail logistics carried out in partnership with Brado, through which the option’s customers reduced 61,865.79 tons of CO2 emitted in 2021 alone. In addition, at the beginning of this year a partnership was signed with EDP for the purchase of 100% renewable electricity, destined for the total supply of the terminal’s operations, which will avoid the emission of about 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide in 2022.

TCP is the only terminal in southern Brazil with rail operations within the primary zone, connecting exporters from all over Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraguay through the branches that arrive in Cascavel, Cambé and Ortigueira. The use of the multimodal system (train + truck), carried out in partnership with Brado Logística, has stood out among the options offered to customers, both for the time and cost, but also as a less polluting solution. The rail-based model reduces the emission of CO2 into the air and, last year alone, prevented more than 60 thousand tons of the gas from being released into the atmosphere – equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide that 442 thousand trees remove from the air in 1 year. “Through the partnership with TCP, we offer our customers the best multimodal logistics solutions with a railroad base, connecting important producing regions with the largest consumer markets in the world with sustainability. “says Andréa Ramos, Commercial, MKT and CX Director of Brado.

According to data released by TCP in 2022, one in every five containers exported by Paranaguá will use the railroad. “There are several factors that have led us to choose rail transportation, among them the environmental factor. Besides the excellence in service provision, TCP is also concerned about the environmental impact generated in the region where it operates, which is part of a whole biome. Being signatories of the UN Global Compact, promoting actions that reduce this impact and aim at ESG objectives is among the premises of the terminal, which has more than 60 socio-environmental projects in progress”, says Thomas Lima, commercial and institutional director of the terminal.

Clean energy

In 2021, 36% of all Brazilian exports of frozen chicken and poultry will pass through the terminal in Paranaguá. Para atender este mercado, a TCP possui 3.624 pontos de energia para conectar esses contêineres congelados, o maior número dentre os terminais da América Latina. Cada contêiner deste tipo possui potência de 7,5 kW, necessária para manter carnes em temperaturas que podem chegar a -30°C, dependendo do tipo de mercadoria e destino de exportação. Desta forma, o consumo médio de energia do terminal é equivalente ao de uma cidade de 156 mil habitantes. Neste cenário, Thomas ressalta a importância do contrato firmado com a EDP, empresa que atua em todos os segmentos do setor elétrico brasileiro, para os objetivos estratégicos da empresa. “Sendo o principal corredor de contêineres refrigerados do Brasil, nossas necessidades energéticas são elevadas e, a partir de agora, toda essa energia virá de fontes renováveis, reforçando o nosso compromisso com o meio ambiente”, finaliza.

Thaisa Tanaka