The project was instituted by the city’s Tree Planting Law, sanctioned on the Tree Day, and seeks to expand and guide the management of native species
On Tree Day (21st), the city of Paranaguá sanctioned the city’s Tree Planting Law. No. 4.228/2022, the document authorizes the immediate implementation of the municipal urban forestation plan prepared by TCP, with technical support from the forestry sector of the Paranaguá Municipal Environment Secretariat (SEMMA). The plan seeks to improve forest management in Paranaguá, removing trees at risk of falling and also increasing the planting with native species.
This is the first afforestation plan for the city, which revealed important information for urban planning. The project, to be delivered in 2021, shows that Paranaguá has 8,260 trees. For the municipal secretary of environment, Diego Delfino, the goal is to double the number in the coming years. “Thanks to the afforestation plan, now the city hall knows the situation of each tree located in public areas of the city and this will allow the forest expansion,” he explains.
According to TCP’s supervisor of environmental projects, Katlyn Eliege, the implementation of the plan will bring countless benefits to the city. “From the removal and pruning of those trees, which present risks to residents; to the improvement in forestation, which impacts landscaping and can decrease the temperature in Paranaguá.”
According to SEMMA’s forestry engineer, Rodrigo Delonga, “we intend to start with the Parque São João neighborhood, as it is an area with wider sidewalks, which facilitates planting, and already has the need for compensation from a nearby company, which will plant the trees. The Secretariat indicates the location, the size, and the species that should be used, following the tree planting plan. Among the main native trees are the pitanga, araçá, pau-ferro, sibipiruna, pata-de-vaca, and quaresmeira.
The company responsible for the planting will also have the responsibility, for another 5 years, of monitoring each tree planted. According to Delonga, two more neighborhoods will receive investments next year. “The neighborhoods Serraria do Rocha and Vila dos Comerciários are areas that demand more tree planting and the implementation plan begins in 2023.
Currently the city spends 110 thousand reais, through a third-party company, for the maintenance of the trees. There are two teams in two trucks that do the pruning and cutting of the plants in the city. However, the implementation of the tree-planting plan will have no costs due to the large number of companies that will contribute by way of compensation.
The signing of the law took place at the Arab Peoples’ Square and brought together 78 students from the Professora Sully da Rosa Vilarinho Municipal School. Representatives from the municipality, TCP, and the supporting company CBL were present.
TCP Planting Workshop
In addition to the approval of the Arborization Plan, on Tree Day TCP carried out a very important internal action. Employees participated in the Planting Workshop. The participants were able to plant their own seedlings, which were taken home.
First image credit: Seme Said / Nosso Paraná
Workshop image credit: publicity