
More than 120 students participate in the activities that are held weekly.

Since March 2023, the NGO Coletivo Inclusão has held weekly theater and capoeira workshops for more than 120 students served by the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) of Paranaguá. The initiative takes place through contributions, such as the one made by the company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP) to the consulting company Valor com Propósito, responsible for connecting companies to social projects.

“The terminal is committed to participating in building a more inclusive future for the entire community of Paranaguá. Supporting actions that bring sports and cultural activities to students served by APAE is one of the ways we achieve this goal,” says communication, marketing and administrative affairs manager Patrícia Cobra.

In the theater workshops, students learn relaxation techniques, concentration, vocal and body expression, group interaction, improvisation, script and text interpretation, confection and theatrical production and the appreciation of culture. In the capoeira workshops, students have contact with a Brazilian cultural expression, which combines martial arts, music, acrobatics and dance. The exercises require body strength and flexibility, as well as motor and cognitive development.

“The activities are helping to develop the children’s self-confidence and self-esteem, reducing stress and anxiety. Their happiness in participating in the workshops is noticeable and this helps a lot in their social development and in the pedagogical part”, explained the pedagogue of APAE Paranaguá, Kathia dos Santos Martins.

In a technical visit carried out in July, the Inclusion Collective team assessed that the project is generating the social and cultural inclusion of people with disabilities and their families. The planning of a Cultural Exhibition was also started, which should take place on November 16, at the Rachel Costa Theater. Free and open to the community, the event makes the students served by the project the protagonists of cultural presentations.

25 years promoting socio-environmental impact in Paranaguá and region

Since its foundation in 1998, TCP has benefited more than 40 social projects through Tax Incentive Laws, which allocate part of the tax to social organizations. The contemplated programs mainly serve children, adolescents and the elderly; in addition to initiatives aimed at health, sports, education and culture.

Isabelle Veloso Sousa