Investments made through tax incentive laws benefit projects in the areas of health, sport, culture and education
In 2024, TCP, the company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal, invested in 13 social projects that serve the populations of Paranaguá, Antonina, Curitiba and the region. In the most recent round of contributions made by the Terminal, four projects were awarded via the Rouanet Law; four via the Childhood and Adolescence Fund (FIA); three via the Elderly Law; and two via the Sports Law.
Over the 17 years that Terminal has been allocating part of the taxes from its operations to social projects through tax incentive laws, 94 initiatives have already received these funds. According to TCP’s marketing and administrative affairs manager, Patricia Cobra, “investing in contributions is a permanent policy of the Terminal and represents our commitment to fostering actions that generate social impact and improve the quality of life in the communities served, both in the port region and in the state capital”.
Among the projects that received contributions is For the Life of the Elderly in Cancer Treatment II, run by the Erasto Gaertner Hospital. During the term of the work plan, the organization provides bimonthly care for 600 elderly patients from the Unified Health System, with low, medium and high complexity medical and hospital procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Photo by Erasto – Nurse seeing patient – Caption: The Erasto Gartner Hospital project is expected to bring hospital care to up to 600 elderly people for the diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer. Photo: Disclosure/ Erasto Gaertner Hospital
Pequeno Príncipe Hospital was also one of the health institutions to receive funding. The funds earmarked for the “For the Right to Life IV” project will make it possible to invest in medium and highly complex inpatient and outpatient care for children and adolescents, as well as encouraging continuing training for health professionals and fostering innovation and scientific research.
“Projects involving access to healthcare for children, adolescents and the elderly are of great interest to the Terminal. Together with initiatives that promote education, culture, sport and leisure, we are able to take action in different areas, benefiting the most diverse audiences in the assisted communities,” explains Patricia.
As part of the projects that promote access to culture and education, supported by the Rouanet Law, the Antoniense Philharmonic’s “Annual Plan 2024” received funding from the Terminal, thus ensuring continued access to educational activities and musical instrument workshops for children and teenagers in the Antonina and Paranaguá regions.
Photo of the Antoniense Philharmonic – Performance in an event space – Caption: The Antoniense Philharmonic brings education, culture and workshops on various musical instruments to young people in Antonina and Paranaguá. Photo: Flavia Kalline
Bringing playful, interactive and accessible activities to talk about the environment and sustainability, the itinerant project “Caminhão Conhecendo os ODSs” (Truck Getting to Know the SDGs) was also included and should take its program to the communities of Paranaguá and the region.
As for the contributions made through the Sports Law, the Handball Association of Paranaguá received funds from TCP to enable the sports development of athletes and participation in national competitions in the sport.
By the end of 2024, TCP is expected to make three more rounds of contributions to social projects through tax incentive laws.